ID | Original Title | lang | EN URL | FI URL | SV URL | DE URL | Post Type |
1 | 01. First symphony op. 39 (1899-1900) | en | /first-symphony-op-39-1899-1900 | /sinfonia-i-op-39-1899-1900 | /symfoni-i-op-39-1899-1900 | /symphonie-nr-1-op-39-1899-1900 | page |
2 | 02. Second symphony op. 43 (1902) | en | /second-symphony-op-43-1902 | /symphonie-nr-2-op-43-1902 | /symfoni-ii-op-43-1902 | /symphonie-nr-2-op-43-1902 | page |
3 | 03. Third symphony op. 52 (1907) | en | /third-symphony-op-52-1907 | /sinfonia-iii-op-52-1907 | /symfoni-iii-op-52-1907 | /symphonie-nr-3-op-52-1907 | page |
4 | 04. Symphony no. 4 op. 63 (1911) | en | /symphony-no-4-op-63-1911 | /sinfonia-iv-op-63-1911 | /symfoni-iv-op-63-1911 | /symphonie-nr-4-op-63-1911 | page |
5 | 05. Fifth symphony op. 82 (1915-1919) | en | /fifth-symphony-op-82-1915-1919 | /sinfonia-v-op-82-1915-1919 | /symfoni-v-op-82-1915-1919 | /symphonie-nr-5-op-82-1915-1919 | page |
6 | 06. Sixth symphony op. 104 (1923) | en | /sixth-symphony-op-104-1923 | /sinfonia-vi-op-104-1923 | /symfoni-vi-op-104-1923 | /symphonie-nr-6-op-104-1923 | page |
7 | 07. Seventh symphony op. 105 (1924) | en | /seventh-symphony-op-105-1924 | /sinfonia-vii-op-105-1924 | /symfoni-vii-op-105-1924 | /symphonie-nr-7-op-105-1924 | page |
8 | 1-10 | en | /1-10 | /1-10 | /1-10 | /1-10 | page |
9 | 101-110 | en | /101-110 | /101-110 | /101-110 | /101-110 | page |
10 | 11-20 | en | /11-20 | /11-20 | /11-20 | /11-20 | page |
11 | 111-118 | en | /111-118 | /111-118 | /111-118 | /111-118 | page |
12 | 1880-1889 | en | /1880-1889 | /1880-1889 | /1880-1889 | /1880-1889 | page |
13 | 1890-1899 | en | /1890-1899 | /1890-1899 | /1890-1899 | /1890-1899 | page |
14 | 1900-1909 | en | /1900-1909 | /1900-1909 | /1900-1909 | /1900-1909 | page |
15 | 1910-1919 | en | /1910-1919 | /1910-1919 | /1910-1919 | /1910-1919 | page |
16 | 1920-1929 | en | /1920-1929 | /1920-1929 | /1920-1929 | /1920-1929 | page |
17 | 1930-1939 | en | /1930-1939 | /1930-1939 | /1930-1939 | /1930-1939 | page |
18 | 1940-1949 | en | /1940-1949 | /1940-1949 | /1940-1949 | /1940-1949 | page |
19 | 1950-1957 | en | /1950-1957 | /1950-1957 | /1950-1957 | /1950-1957 | page |
20 | 21-30 | en | /21-30 | /21-30 | /21-30 | /21-30 | page |
21 | 29. January-February 1914 | en | /29-january-february-1914 | /29-tammi-helmikuu-1914 | /29-januari-februari-1914 | /29-januar-februar-1914 | page |
22 | 31-40 | en | /31-40 | /31-40 | /31-40 | /31-40 | page |
23 | 41-50 | en | /41-50 | /41-50 | /41-50 | /41-50 | page |
24 | 51-60 | en | /51-60 | /51-60 | /51-60 | /51-60 | page |
25 | 61-70 | en | /61-70 | /61-70 | /61-70 | /61-70 | page |
26 | 71-80 | en | /71-80 | /71-80 | /71-80 | /71-80 | page |
27 | 81-90 | en | /81-90 | /81-90 | /81-90 | /81-90 | page |
28 | 91-100 | en | /91-100 | /91-100 | /91-100 | /91-100 | page |
29 | A child's death, and international breakthrough, 1900-1902 | en | /a-childs-death-and-international-breakthrough-1900-1902 | /lapsen-kuolema-ja-kansainvalinen-lapimurto-1900-1902 | /barnets-dod-och-det-internationella-genombrottet-1900-1902 | /der-tod-der-tochter-und-der-internationale-durchbruch-1900-1902 | page |
30 | About conducting | en | /about-conducting | /orkesterinjohtamisesta | /om-dirigering | /ueber-das-dirigieren | page |
31 | About his own compositions | en | /about-his-own-compositions | /omista-savellyksista | /om-sina-egna-kompositioner | /ueber-eigene-kompositionen | page |
32 | About stimulants | en | /about-stimulants | /nautintoaineista | /om-njutningsmedel | /ueber-genussmittel | page |
33 | Aino Kari | en | /aino-kari | /aino-kari-1893-1972 | /aino-kari-1893-1972 | /aino-kari-1893-1972 | page |
34 | Aino Sibelius | en | /aino-sibelius | /aino-sibelius-1871-1969 | /aino-sibelius-1871-1969 | /aino-sibelius-1871-1969 | page |
35 | Ainola | en | /ainola | /ainola | /ainola | /ainola | page |
36 | Ainola as a museum 1974- | en | /ainola-as-a-museum-1974 | /ainola-kotimuseona-1974 | /ainola-som-hemmuseum-1974 | /ainola-als-museum-1974 | page |
37 | Ainola in 1904 | en | /ainola-in-1904 | /ainola-1904 | /ainola-1904 | /ainola-1904 | page |
38 | Ainola in 1904 | en | /ainola-in-1904 | /ainola-1904 | /ainola-1904 | /ainola-1904 | page |
39 | Ainola today | en | /ainola-today | /ainola-nyt | /ainola-i-dag | /ainola-heute | page |
40 | Ainola: the yard and beyond | en | /ainola-the-yard-and-beyond | /ainolan-pihapiiri | /ainolas-gard | /die-uebriges-gebaeude-ainolas | page |
41 | Ainola: the yard and beyond | en | /ainola-the-yard-and-beyond | /ainolan-pihapiiri | /ainolas-tomt | /der-platz-vor-dem-haus | page |
42 | Alcohol | en | /alcohol | /alkoholi | /alkohol | /alkohol | page |
43 | An artist's life in the 1890s | en | /an-artists-life-in-the-1890s | /taiteilijaelamaa-1890-luvulla | /konstnarsliv-pa-1890-talet | /kuenstlerleben-in-den-1890er-jahren | page |
44 | An artist's life, 1900-1910 | en | /an-artists-life-1900-1910 | /taiteilijaelamaa-1900-1910 | /konstnarsliv-1900-1910 | /kuenstlerleben-1900-1910 | page |
45 | An artist's life, 1911-1914 | en | /an-artists-life-1911-1914 | /taiteilijaelamaa-1911-1914 | /konstnarsliv-1911-1914 | /kuenstlerleben-1911-1914 | page |
46 | Andante festivo | en | /andante-festivo | /andante-festivo | /andante-festivo | /andante-festivo | page |
47 | Apartments in Helsinki 1892-99 | en | /apartments-in-helsinki-1892-99 | /asunnot-helsingissa-1892-99 | /bostaderna-i-helsingfors-1892-99 | /die-wohnungen-in-helsinki-1892-99 | page |
48 | April-June 1931 | en | /april-june-1931 | /41-huhti-kesakuu-1931 | /41-april-juni-1931 | /41-april-juni-1931 | page |
49 | Arrangements by Sibelius of his own works and the works of others | en | /arrangements-by-sibelius-of-his-own-works-and-the-works-of-others | /sibeliuksen-tekemat-sovitukset-omista-ja-muiden-teoksista | /sibelius-arrangemang-av-sina-egna-och-andras-verk | /fassungen-die-sibelius-aus-seinen-eigenen-werken-und-aus-werken-anderer-verfasst-hat | page |
50 | Arrangements for voice and piano | en | /arrangements-for-voice-and-piano | /sovitukset-lauluaanelle-ja-pianolle | /arrangemang-for-sangrost-och-piano | /arrangements-fuer-singstimme-und-klavier | page |
51 | Art in the dining room of Ainola | en | /art-in-the-dining-room-of-ainola | /ainolan-ruokasalin-taidetta | /konst-i-ainolas-matsal | /kunst-im-speisesaal-von-ainola | page |
52 | Art in the drawing room at Ainola | en | /art-in-the-drawing-room-at-ainola | /ainolan-salin-taideteoksia | /konstverk-i-ainolas-sal | /kunstwerke-im-saal-von-ainola | page |
53 | Art in the library at Ainola | en | /art-in-the-library-at-ainola | /ainolan-kirjaston-taidetta | /konst-i-ainolas-bibliotek | /kunst-in-der-bibliothek-von-ainola | page |
54 | At the height of his popularity 1934-1939 | en | /at-the-height-of-his-popularity-1934-1939 | /suosion-huipulla-1934-1939 | /pa-hojden-av-sin-popularitet-1934-1939 | /auf-dem-gipfelpunkt-der-popularitaet-1934-1939 | page |
55 | Audio and video recordings of the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation | en | /audio-and-video-recordings-of-the-finnish-broadcasting-corporation | /yleisradion-audio-ja-videotallenteet | /rundradions-audio-och-videoinspelningar | /audio-und-videoaufnahmen-des-finnischen-rundfunks | page |
56 | August 1904 | en | /august-1904 | /14-elokuu-1904 | /14-augusti-1904 | /14-august-1904 | page |
57 | August 1907 | en | /august-1907 | /18-elokuu-1907 | /18-augusti-1907 | /18-august-1907 | page |
58 | Background to the construction of Ainola | en | /background-to-the-construction-of-ainola | /ainolan-rakentamisen-taustaa | /byggandet-av-ainola-1903-1904 | /die-renovierung-und-erweiterung-des-wohngebaeudes-1911-1935 | page |
59 | Belshazzar's Feast | en | /belshazzars-feast | /belsazarin-pidot | /belsazars-gastabud | /belsazars-gastmahl | page |
60 | Belshazzar's Feast (incidental music and orchestral suite) | en | /belshazzars-feast-incidental-music-and-orchestral-suite | /belsazarin-pidot-nayttamomusiikki-ja-orkesterisarja | /belsazars-gastabud-scenmusik-och-orkestersvit | /belsazars-gastmahl-belsazars-gaestabud-belsazarin-pidot-buehnenmusik-und-orchestersuite | page |
61 | Birds, nature | en | /birds-nature | /linnut-luonto | /faglar-naturen | /voegel-natur | page |
62 | Cantique and Devotion | en | /cantique-and-devotion | /cantique-ja-devotion-opus-77 | /cantique-och-devotion-opus-77 | /cantique-und-devotion-op-77 | page |
63 | Cassazione | en | /cassazione | /cassazione | /cassazione | /cassazione | page |
64 | Chamber music | en | /chamber-music | /kamarimusiikkia | /kammarmusik | /kammermusik | page |
65 | Chamber Music for Cello | en | /for-cello | /kamarimusiikkia-sellolle | /kammarmusik-for-cello | /kammermusik-kammermusik-fuer-violoncello | page |
66 | Chamber music for trios, quartets and quintets | en | /chamber-music-for-trios-quartets-and-quintets | /kamarimusiikkia-trioille-kvartetoille-ja-kvintetoille | /kammarmusik-for-trior-kvartetter-och-kvintetter | /kammermusik-fuer-trios-quartette-und-quintette | page |
67 | Chamber music for violin, and for piano and violin | en | /chamber-music-for-violin-and-for-piano-and-violin | /kamarimusiikkia-viululle-seka-pianolle-ja-viululle | /kammarmusik-for-violin-samt-for-piano-och-violin | /kammermusik-fuer-violine-sowie-fuer-klavier-und-violine | page |
68 | Chamber music with piano | en | /chamber-music-with-piano | /kamarimusiikkiteokset-pianon-kanssa | /kammarmusikverk-med-piano | /kammermusikwerke-mit-klavier | page |
69 | Chamber music without piano | en | /chamber-music-without-piano | /kamarimusiikkiteokset-ilman-pianoa | /kammarmusikverk-utan-piano | /kammermusikwerke-ohne-klavier | page |
70 | Childhood | en | /childhood | /lapsuus | /barndomen | /kindheit | page |
71 | Childhood 1865-1881 | en | /childhood-1865-1881 | /lapsuus-1865-1881 | /3169 | /kindheit-1865-1881 | page |
72 | Childhood and school in Hämeenlinna 1865-85 | en | /childhood-and-school-in-hameenlinna-1865-85 | /lapsuus-ja-koulunkaynti-hameenlinnassa-1865-85 | /barndomen-och-skolgangen-i-tavastehus-1865-85 | /kindheit-und-schulbesuch-in-haemeenlinna-1865-85 | page |
73 | Children's spouses, grandchildren | en | /childrens-spouses-grandchildren | /lasten-puolisoita-lastenlapsia | /barnens-makar-barnbarn | /die-ehepartner-der-kinder-enkelkinder | page |
74 | Choral works (unaccompanied) | en | /choral-works-unaccompanied | /kuoroteokset-a-cappella | /korverk-a-cappella | /chorwerke-a-capella | page |
75 | Choral works (without orchestra) | en | /choral-works-without-orchestra | /kuoroteokset | /korverk | /werke-fuer-chor-ohne-orchester | page |
76 | Christmas songs and duets | en | /christmas-songs-and-duets | /joululaulut-ja-duetot | /julsanger-och-duetter | /weihnachtslieder-und-duette | page |
77 | Communities | en | /communities | /yhteisot | /samfund | /gemeinschaften | page |
78 | Composer of songs | en | /composer-of-songs | /varhaistuotanto | /tidiga-verk | /fruehe-produktion | page |
79 | Composers, musicians | en | /composers-musicians | /saveltajia-muusikoita | /tonsattare-musiker | /komponisten-musiker | page |
80 | Compositions by type of work | en | /compositions-by-type-of-work | /savellykset-teoslajeittain | /kompositioner-efter-genre | /werke-nach-der-art-der-komposition | page |
81 | Correspondence | en | /correspondence | /kirjeenvaihto | /brevvaxlingen | /korrespondenz | page |
82 | Dance Intermezzo | en | /dance-intermezzo | /tanssi-intermezzo | /dans-intermezzo | /tanz-intermezzo | page |
83 | Dance Intermezzo | en | /dance-intermezzo | /tanssi-intermezzo | /dansintermezzo | /tanz-intermezzo | page |
84 | Daybooks, sketchbooks and notebooks, passports | en | /daybooks-sketchbooks-and-notebooks-passports | /almanakat-luonnos-ja-muistikirjat-passit | /almanackor-skiss-och-anteckningsbocker-pass | /almanache-skizzen-und-notizbuecher-paesse | page |
85 | Death and funeral 1957 | en | /death-and-funeral-1957 | /kuolema-ja-hautajaiset-1957 | /dod-och-begravning-1957 | /der-tod-und-die-beisetzung-1957 | page |
86 | December 1906 | en | /december-1906 | /17-december-1906 | /17-december-1906 | /17-dezember-1906 | page |
87 | Degree Ceremony March | en | /degree-ceremony-march | /promootiomarssi | /promotionsmarschen | /festmarsch | page |
88 | Development of popularity | en | /development-of-popularity | /suosion-kehityksesta | /om-popularitetens-utveckling | /ueber-die-entwicklung-des-erfolgs | page |
89 | Diaries | en | /diaries | /paivakirjat | /dagbockerna | /tagebuecher | page |
90 | Diary and letters | en | /diary-and-letters | /paivakirja-kirjeet | /dagboken-breven | /tagebuch-briefe | page |
91 | Die Sprache der Vögel | en | /die-sprache-der-vogel | /die-sprache-der-vogel | /die-sprache-der-vogel | /die-sprache-der-voegel | page |
92 | Documents | en | /documents | /Dokumentit | /dokument | /dokumente | page |
93 | Eero Järnefelt | en | /eero-jarnefelt | /eero-jarnefelt | /eero-jarnefelt | /eero-jaernefelt | page |
94 | En Saga | en | /en-saga | /satu | /en-saga | /eine-sage | page |
95 | Euterpe | en | /euterpe | /euterpe | /euterpe | /euterpe | page |
96 | Eva Paloheimo | en | /eva-paloheimo | /eva-paloheimo-1893-1978 | /eva-paloheimo-1893-1978 | /eva-paloheimo-1893-1978 | page |
97 | Everyday Life and Festivities | en | /everyday-life-and-festivities | /arkea-ja-juhlaa | /vardag-och-fest | /alltag-und-feste | page |
98 | Everyman (Jedermann) | en | /everyman-jedermann | /jokamies | /jedermann | /jedermann | page |
99 | Family | en | /family | /suku-ja-perhe | /slakten-och-familjen | /die-familie | page |
100 | Family | en | /family | /perhe | /familjen | /die-familie | page |
101 | February 1911 | en | /february-1911 | /25-helmikuu-1911 | /25-februari-1911 | /25-februar-1911 | page |
102 | February-April 1923 | en | /february-april-1923 | /34-helmi-huhtikuu-1923 | /34-februari-april-1923 | /34-februar-april-1923 | page |
103 | February-March 1908 | en | /february-march-1908 | /21-helmi-maaliskuu-1908 | /21-februari-mars-1908 | /21-februar-maerz-1908 | page |
104 | February-March 1928 | en | /february-march-1928 | /40-helmi-maaliskuu-1928 | /40-februari-mars-1928 | /40-februar-maerz-1928 | page |
105 | February-May 1909 | en | /february-may-1909 | /23-helmi-toukokuu-1909 | /23-februari-maj-1909 | /23-februar-mai-1909 | page |
106 | February–May 1898 | en | /february-may-1898 | /6-helmi-toukokuu-1898 | /6-februari-maj-1898 | /6-februar-mai-1898 | page |
107 | Finlandia | en | /finlandia | /finlandia | /finlandia | /finlandia | page |
108 | Freemasons | en | /freemasons | /vapaamuurarit | /frimurarna | /freimaurerei | page |
109 | Friends | en | /friends | /ystavat | /vanner | /freunde | page |
110 | Friends of Jean Sibelius | en | /friends-of-jean-sibelius | /jean-sibeliuksen-ystavia | /jean-sibelius-vanner | /freunde-von-jean-sibelius | page |
111 | From Late Romanticism to a stylistic transition | en | /from-late-romanticism-to-a-stylistic-transition | /myohaisromantiikasta-tyylinmurrokseen | /fran-senromantiken-till-stilbrytningen | /von-der-spaetromantik-zum-stilistischen-umbruch | page |
112 | Gallery | en | /gallery | /galleria | /galleri | /galerie | page |
113 | Genealogical table | en | /genealogical-table | /sukutaulu | /slakttavla | /ahnentafel-und-stammbaum-sibelius | page |
114 | Heidi Blomstedt | en | /heidi-blomstedt | /heidi-blomstedt-1911-1982 | /heidi-blomstedt-1911-1982 | /heidi-blomstedt-1911-1982 | page |
115 | Heikki Sormunen | en | /heikki-sormunen | /heikki-sormunen | /heikki-sormunen | /heikki-sormunen | page |
116 | Helmi Vainikainen | en | /helmi-vainikainen-2 | /helmi-vainikainen-1885-1979 | /helmi-vainikainen-1885-1979 | /helmi-vainikainen-1885-1979 | page |
117 | History of Ainola | en | /history-of-ainola | /ainolan-historia | /ainolas-historia | /die-geschichte-von-ainola | page |
118 | Home | en | /home | /home | /home | /home | page |
119 | Humoresques | en | /humoresques | /humoreskit-viululle-ja-orkesterille | /humoresker-for-violin-och-orkester | /humoresken-fuer-violine-und-orchester | page |
120 | Importance in the 21st century | en | /importance-in-the-21st-century | /merkitys-2000-luvulla | /betydelse-pa-2000-talet | /sibelius-bedeutung-im-21-jahrhundert | page |
121 | In his own words | en | /in-his-own-wrods | /omin-sanoin | /med-egna-ord | /mit-eigenen-worten | page |
122 | In Memoriam | en | /in-memoriam | /in-memoriam | /in-memoriam | /in-memoriam | page |
123 | Incidental music | en | /incidental-music | /nayttamomusiikki | /scenmusik | /buehnenmusik | page |
124 | Incidental music | en | /incidental-music | /nayttamomusiikkia | /scenmusik | /buehnenmusik | page |
125 | Inner voices 1908-1914 | en | /inner-voices-1908-1914 | /sisaisia-aania-1908-1914 | /inre-roster-1908-1914 | /innere-stimmen-1908-1914 | page |
126 | Introduction | en | /introduction | /johdanto | /inledning | /einleitung | page |
127 | January-April 1921 | en | /january-april-1921 | /33-tammi-huhtikuu-1921 | /33-januari-april-1921 | /33-januar-april-1921 | page |
128 | January-April 1927 | en | /january-april-1927 | /39-tammi-huhtikuu-1927 | /39-januari-april-1927 | /39-januar-april-1927 | page |
129 | January-February 1914 | en | /january-february-1914 | /28-marras-joulukuu-1912 | /28-november-december-1912 | /28-november-dezember-1912 | page |
130 | January-March 1905 | en | /january-march-1905 | /15-tammi-maaliskuu-1905 | /15-januari-mars-1905 | /15-januar-maerz-1905 | page |
131 | Jean Sibelius | en | /jean-sibelius | /jean-sibelius-1865-1957 | /jean-sibelius-1865-1957 | /jean-sibelius-1865-1957 | page |
132 | Jean Sibelius as a composer | en | /jean-sibelius-as-a-composer | /jean-sibelius-saveltajana | /jean-sibelius-som-tonsattare | /jean-sibelius-als-komponist | page |
133 | Jean Sibelius as a musician | en | /jean-sibelius-as-a-musician | /jean-sibelius-ihmisena | /jean-sibelius | /jean-sibelius-als-musiker | page |
134 | Jean Sibelius as a pianist | en | /jean-sibelius-as-a-pianist | /jean-sibelius-pianistina | /jean-sibelius-som-pianist | /jean-sibelius-als-pianist | page |
135 | Jean Sibelius as a teacher | en | /jean-sibelius-as-a-teacher | /jean-sibelius-opettajana | /jean-sibelius-som-larare | /jean-sibelius-als-lehrer | page |
136 | Jean Sibelius as a violinist | en | /jean-sibelius-as-a-violinist | /jean-sibelius-viulistina | /jean-sibelius-som-violinist | /jean-sibelius-als-geiger | page |
137 | Jean Sibelius's Contemporaries | en | /jean-sibeliuss-contemporaries | /jean-sibeliuksen-aikalaisia | /jean-sibelius-samtida | /zeitgenossen-von-jean-sibelius | page |
138 | Journeys in chronological order | en | /journeys-in-chronological-order | /matkat-kronologisesti | /resorna-kronologiskt | /die-reisen-in-chronologischer-ordnung | page |
139 | Journeys to Austria | en | /journeys-to-austria | /matkat-itavaltaan | /resorna-till-osterrike | /oesterreich | page |
140 | Journeys to Czech republic | en | /journeys-to-czech-republic | /matkat-tsekkiin | /resorna-till-tjeckien | /tschechische-republik | page |
141 | Journeys to England | en | /journeys-to-england | /matkat-englantiin | /resorna-till-england | /england | page |
142 | Journeys to France | en | /journeys-to-france | /matkat-ranskaan | /resorna-till-frankrike | /frankreich | page |
143 | Journeys to Germany | en | /journeys-to-germany | /matkat-saksaan | /resorna-till-tyskland | /deutschland | page |
144 | Journeys to Italy | en | /journeys-to-italy | /matkat-italiaan | /resorna-till-italien | /reisen-nach-italien | page |
145 | Journeys to Russia | en | /journeys-to-russia | /journeys-to-russia | /resorna-till-ryssland | /russland | page |
146 | Journeys to Switzerland | en | /journeys-to-switzerland | /matkat-sveitsiin | /resorna-till-schweiz | /schweiz | page |
147 | Journeys to the Baltic countries | en | /journeys-to-the-baltic-countries | /matkat-baltiaan | /resorna-till-baltikum | /baltikum | page |
148 | Journeys to the Benelux countries | en | /journeys-to-the-benelux-countries | /matkat-benelux-maihin | /resorna-till-beneluxlanderna | /benelux-laender | page |
149 | Journeys to the Nordic countries | en | /journeys-to-the-nordic-countries | /matka-pohjoismaihin | /resorna-till-de-nordiska-landerna | /nordische-laender | page |
150 | Journeys to the United States | en | /journeys-to-the-united-states | /matka-yhdysvaltoihin | /resan-till-forenta-staterna | /vereinigte-staaten-von-amerika | page |
151 | Juhana Henrik Erkko | en | /juhana-henrik-erkko | /juhana-henrik-erkko | /juhana-henrik-erkko | /juhana-henrik-erkko | page |
152 | Juhani Aho | en | /juhani-aho | /juhani-aho | /juhani-aho | /juhani-aho | page |
153 | July-September 1894 | en | /july-september-1894 | /3-heina-syyskuu-1894 | /3-juli-september-1894 | /3-juli-september-1894 | page |
154 | July–August 1900 | en | /july-august-1900 | /7-heina-elokuu-1900 | /7-juli-augusti-1900 | /7-juli-august-1900 | page |
155 | June 1902 | en | /june-1902 | /10-kesakuu-1902 | /10-juni-1902 | /10-juni-1902 | page |
156 | June 1904 | en | /june-1904 | /13-kesakuu-1904 | /13-juni-1904 | /13-juni-1904 | page |
157 | June 1919 | en | /june-1919 | /32-kesakuu-1919 | /32-juni-1919 | /32-juni-1919 | page |
158 | June–July 1897 | en | /june-july-1897 | /5-kesa-heinakuu-1897 | /5-juni-juli-1897 | /5-juni-juli-1897 | page |
159 | Karelia Music | en | /karelia-music | /karelia-musiikki | /karelia-musiken | /karelia-musik | page |
160 | Karelia Music, Overture and Suite | en | /karelia-music-overture-and-suite | /karelia-musiikki-alkusoitto-ja-sarja | /kareliamusiken-uvertyren-och-sviten | /karelia-musik-overtuere-und-suite | page |
161 | Katarina Ilves | en | /katarina-ilves | /katarina-ilves-1903-1984 | /katarina-ilves-1903-1984 | /katarina-ilves-1903-1984 | page |
162 | King Christian II | en | /king-christian-ii | /kuningas-ii | /kung-kristian-ii | /koenig-kristian-ii | page |
163 | King Christian II (incidental music and orchestral suite) | en | /king-christian-ii-incidental-music-and-orchestral-suite | /kuningas-kristian-ii-naytelmamusiikki-ja-orkesterisarja | /kung-kristian-ii-skadespelsmusik-och-orkestersvit | /koenig-kristian-ii-buehnenmusik-und-orchestersuite | page |
164 | Kullervo | en | /kullervo | /kullervo | /kullervo | /kullervo | page |
165 | Kullervo and the wedding 1891-1892 | en | /kullervo-and-the-wedding-1891-1892 | /kullervo-ja-haat-1891-1892 | /kullervo-och-brollop-1891-1892 | /kullervo-und-die-hochzeit-1891-1892 | page |
166 | Lemminkäinen | en | /lemminkainen | /lemminkainen | /lemminkainen | /lemminkaeinen | page |
167 | Links | en | /links | /linkit | /lankar | /links | page |
168 | List of compositions | en | /list-of-compositions | /savellysten | /verken-kronologiskt | /sibelius-werke | page |
169 | List of works by opus number | en | /list-of-works-by-opus-number | /luettelo-opusnumeroittain-seka-aakkosjarjestyksessa-opusnumerottomien-osalta | /forteckning-enligt-opusnummer | /werkverzeichnis-nach-opusnummern | page |
170 | Luonnotar (Daughter of Nature) | en | /luonnotar-daughter-of-nature | /luonnotar | /luonnotar-naturens-dotter | /tochter-der-natur | page |
171 | Map | en | /map | /kartta | /karta | /karte | page |
172 | March 1915 | en | /march-1915 | /31-maaliskuu-1915 | /31-mars-1915 | /31-maerz-1915 | page |
173 | March-April 1924 | en | /march-april-1924 | /35-maalis-huhtikuu-1924 | /35-mars-april-1924 | /35-maerz-april-1924 | page |
174 | March-May 1926 | en | /march-may-1926 | /37-maalis-toukokuu-1926 | /37-mars-maj-1926 | /37-maerz-mai-1926 | page |
175 | Margareta Jalas | en | /margareta-jalas | /margareta-jalas-1908-1988 | /margareta-jalas-1908-1988 | /margareta-jalas-1908-1988 | page |
176 | May 1903 | en | /may-1903 | /12-toukokuu-1903 | /12-maj-1903 | /12-mai-1903 | page |
177 | May-July 1914 | en | /may-july-1914 | /30-touko-heinakuu-1914 | /30-maj-juni-1914 | /30-mai-juli-1914 | page |
178 | May-June 1908 | en | /may-june-1908 | /22-may-june-1908 | /22-touko-kesakuu-1908 | /22-mai-juni-1908 | page |
179 | May–June 1896 | en | /may-june-1896 | /4-touko-kesakuu-1896 | /4-maj-juni-1896 | /4-mai-juni-1896 | page |
180 | May–June 1901 | en | /may-june-1901 | /8-lokakuu-1900-toukokuu-1901 | /8-oktober-1900-maj-1901 | /8-oktober-1900-mai-1901 | page |
181 | Memories of Ainola | en | /memories-of-ainola | /muistoja-ainolasta | /minnen-fran-ainola | /erinnerungen-an-ainola | page |
182 | Money | en | /money | /raha | /pengar | /finanzen | page |
183 | Morceau romantique sur un motif de M. Jakob de Julin | en | /morceau-romantique-sur-un-motif-de-m-jakob-de-julin | /morceau-romantique-sur-un-motif-de-m-jakob-de-julin | /morceau-romantique-sur-un-motif-de-m-jakob-de-julin | /morceau-romantique-sur-un-motif-de-m-jakob-de-julin | page |
184 | Music becomes a serious pursuit 1881-1885 | en | /music-becomes-a-serious-pursuit-1881-1885 | /musiikkiharrastus-vakavoituu-1881-1885 | /musikintresset-blir-seriosare-1881-1885 | /das-musikinteresse-bekommt-1881-1885-ernstere-zuege | page |
185 | Music for Freemasonry | en | /music-for-freemasonry | /vapaamuurarimusiikki-2 | /frimurarmusiken | /freimaurermusik | page |
186 | Music for the Days of the Press | en | /music-for-the-days-of-the-press | /sanomalehdiston-paivien-musiikki | /musik-till-pressens-dagar-och-finlandia | /musik-zu-den-pressefeiern | page |
187 | Music for the play Death: Valse triste, Scene with Cranes, Canzonetta, Valse romantique | en | /music-for-the-play-death-valse-triste-scene-with-cranes-canzonetta-valse-romantique | /kuolema-musiikkia-valse-triste-kurkikohtaus-canzonetta-valse-romantique | /dodsmusik-valse-triste-scen-med-tranor-canzonetta-valse-romantique | /buehnenmusik-zum-schauspiel-der-tod | page |
188 | Music manuscripts | en | /music-manuscripts | /musiikkikasikirjoitukset | /musikmanuskripten | /musikmanuskripte | page |
189 | News & Events | en | /news-events | /uutiset-ja-tapahtumat | /nyheter-och-evenemang | /nachrichten-und-veranstaltungen | page |
190 | Night Ride and Sunrise | en | /night-ride-and-sunrise | /oinen-ratsastus-ja-auringonnousu | /nattlig-ritt-och-soluppgang | /naechtlicher-ritt-und-sonnenaufgang | page |
191 | November 1902 | en | /november-1902 | /11-marraskuu-1902 | /11-november-1902 | /11-november-1902 | page |
192 | November 1905 - January 1906 | en | /november-1905-january-1906 | /16-marraskuu-1905-tammikuu-1906 | /16-november-1905-januari-1906 | /16-november-1905-januar-1906 | page |
193 | November 1907 | en | /november-1907 | /18-elokuu-1907-2 | /18-augusti-1907-2 | /19-november-1907 | page |
194 | November 1907 | en | /november-1907-2 | /20-marraskuu-1907 | /20-november-1907 | /20-november-1907 | page |
195 | October 1890 – June 1891 | en | /october-1890-june-1891 | /2-lokakuu-1890-kesakuu-1891 | /2-oktober-1890-juni-1891 | /2-oktober-1890-juni-1891 | page |
196 | October 1900–May 1901 | en | /october-1900-may-1901 | /9-touko-kesakuu-1901 | /9-maj-juni-1901 | /9-mai-juni-1901 | page |
197 | October-December 1911 | en | /october-december-1911 | /26-loka-joulukuu-1911 | /26-oktober-december-1911 | /26-oktober-dezember-1911 | page |
198 | Ödlan | en | /odlan | /odlan | /odlan | /oedlan | page |
199 | Old age | en | /old-age | /vanhuus | /alderdomen | /das-alter | page |
200 | On music and composition | en | /on-music-and-composition | /musiikista-savellystyosta | /om-musik-kompositionsarbete | /ueber-musik-und-komponieren | page |
201 | Orchestral works | en | /orchestral-works | /orkesteriteokset | /orkesterverk | /orchesterwerke | page |
202 | Orchestral works | en | /orchestral-works | /orkesteriteokset | /orkesterverk | /orchesterwerke | page |
203 | Organ works | en | /organ-works | /urkuteokset | /orgelverk | /orgelwerke | page |
204 | Organ works | en | /organ-works | /urkuteoksia | /orgelverk | /orgelwerke | page |
205 | Other buildings at Ainola | en | /other-buildings-at-ainola | /ainolan-muut-rakennukset | /ainolas-andra-byggnader | /die-uebrigen-gebaeude-ainolas | page |
206 | Other guests | en | /other-guests | /muita-vieraita | /andra-gaster | /andere-gaeste | page |
207 | Other orchestral works | en | /other-orchestral-works | /muita-orkesteriteoksia | /andra-orkesterverk | /weitere-orchesterwerke | page |
208 | Other works | en | /other-works | /muut-teokset | /ovriga-verk | /weitere-werke | page |
209 | Overture in A minor | en | /overture-in-a-minor | /alkusoitto-a-molli | /uvertyr-a-moll | /die-ouvertuere-a-moll | page |
210 | Payments received for concerts | en | /payments-received-for-concerts | /palkkiot-konserteista | /arvoden-fran-konserter | /konzerthonorare | page |
211 | Payments received from publishers and from commissioned works | en | /payments-received-from-publishers-and-from-commissioned-works | /palkkiot-kustantajilta-ja-tilaajilta | /arvoden-fran-forlaggare-och-bestallare | /zahlungen-von-verlegern-und-auftraggebern | page |
212 | Pekka Halonen | en | /pekka-halonen | /pekka-halonen | /pekka-halonen | /pekka-halonen | page |
213 | Pelleás and Mélisande | en | /pelleas-and-melisande | /op-46-pelleas-ja-melisande | /op-46-pelleas-och-melisande | /op-46-pelleas-und-melisande | page |
214 | Pelléas and Mélisande (incidental music and orchestral suite) | en | /pelleas-and-melisande-incidental-music-and-orchestral-suite | /pelleas-ja-melisande-nayttamomusiikki-ja-orkesterisarja | /pelleas-och-melisande-scenmusik-och-orkestersvit | /pelleas-und-melisande-buehnenmusik-und-orchestersuite | page |
215 | Philosophizing, self-examination | en | /philosophizing-self-examination | /filosofointia-itsetutkiskelua | /filosofera-sjalvgranskning | /philosophieren-selbstpruefung | page |
216 | Piano compositions | en | /piano-compositions | /pianosavellyksia | /pianokompositioner | /kompositionen-fuer-klavier | page |
217 | Piano works | en | /piano-works | /pianoteokset | /pianoverk | /werke-fuer-klavier | page |
218 | Pohjola's Daughter | en | /pohjolas-daughter | /pohjolan-tytar | /pohjolas-dotter | /pohjolas-tochter | page |
219 | Politics | en | /politics | /politiikka | /politik | /politik | page |
220 | Quotes on Sibelius as a composer | en | /quotes-on-sibelius-as-a-composer | /sibeliuksesta-saveltajana-sanottua | /sagt-om-sibelius-som-kompositor | /zitate-ueber-sibelius-als-komponist | page |
221 | Receipts | en | /receipts | /kuitit-ja-tositteet | /kvitton-och-verifikationer | /quittungen-und-belege | page |
222 | Relatives alphabetically | en | /relatives-alphabetically | /sukulaisia-aakkosittain | /slaktingar-i-alfabetisk-ordning | /verwandte-in-alphabetischer-reihenfolge | page |
223 | Residences in Helsinki 1902-04 | en | /residences-in-helsinki-1902-04 | /asunnot-helsingissa-1902-04 | /bostaderna-i-helsingfors-1902-04 | /wohnsitze-in-helsinki-1902-04 | page |
224 | Residences in Helsinki 1939- | en | /residences-in-helsinki-1939 | /asunnot-helsingissa-1939 | /bostaderna-i-helsingfors-1939 | /wohnsitze-in-helsinki-1939 | page |
225 | Residences in Kerava 1899-1902 | en | /residences-in-kerava-1899-1902 | /asunnot-keravalla-1899-1902 | /bostaderna-i-kervo-1899-1902 | /wohnsitze-in-kerava-1899-1902 | page |
226 | Romance in C major | en | /romance-in-c-major | /romanssi-c-duuri | /romans-c-dur | /romanze-in-c-dur | page |
227 | Royalties | en | /royalties | /palkkiot-tekijanoikeuksista | /upphovsrattsliga-ersattningar | /tantiemen-von-den-verlegern | page |
228 | Ruth Snellman | en | /ruth-snellman | /ruth-snellman-1894-1976 | /ruth-snellman-1894-1976 | /ruth-snellman-1894-1976 | page |
229 | Scaramouche | en | /scaramouche | /scaramouche | /scaramouche | /scaramouche | page |
230 | Scènes historiques I and II | en | /scenes-historiques-i-and-ii | /historiallisia-kuvia-i-ja-ii | /historiska-bilder-i-och-ii | /scenes-historiques-i-und-ii | page |
231 | September 1889 – June 1890 | en | /september-1889-june-1890 | /1-syyskuu-1889-kesakuu-1890 | /1-september-1889-juni-1890 | /1-september-1889-juni-1890 | page |
232 | September-October 1910 | en | /september-october-1910 | /24-syys-lokakuu-1910 | /24-september-oktober-1910 | /24-september-oktober-1910 | page |
233 | September-October 1912 | en | /september-october-1912 | /27-syys-lokakuu-1912 | /27-september-oktober-1912 | /27-september-oktober-1912 | page |
234 | September-October 1924 | en | /september-october-1924 | /36-september-october-1924 | /36-september-oktober-1924 | /36-september-oktober-1924 | page |
235 | September-October 1926 | en | /september-october-1926 | /38-syys-lokakuu-1926 | /38-september-oktober-1926 | /38-september-oktober-1926 | page |
236 | Servants | en | /servants | /palvelijat | /tjanarna | /dienstpersonal | page |
237 | Servants | en | /palvelijat | /palvelijat-2 | /tjanarna-2 | /dienstpersonal-2 | page |
238 | Sibelius and His Artist Neighbors | en | /sibelius-and-his-artist-neighbors | /sibelius-ja-taiteilijanaapurit | /sibelius-och-konstnarsgrannarna | /sibelius-und-seine-kuenstlernachbarn | page |
239 | Sibelius and his residences | en | /sibelius-and-his-residences | /asunnot | /sibelius-bostader | /sibelius-wohnungen | page |
240 | Sibelius and his residences | en | /sibelius-and-his-residences | /sibeliuksen-asunnot | /sibelius-bostader | /sibelius-wohnungen | page |
241 | Sibelius and stimulants | en | /sibelius-and-stimulants | /sibelius-ja-Nautinta-aineet | /sibelius-och-njutningsmedel | /sibelius-und-die-genussmittel | page |
242 | Sibelius as a traveller | en | /sibelius-as-a-traveller | /sibelius-matkailijana | /sibelius-som-resenar | /sibelius-als-reisender | page |
243 | Sibelius's choices during the 1930s | en | /sibeliuss-choices-during-the-1930s | /sibeliuksen-alkoholit-30-luvulla | /sibelius-alkoholer-pa-30-talet | /sibelius-alkoholika-in-den-1930er-jahren | page |
244 | Sibelius's choices in alcohol | en | /sibeliuss-choices-in-alcohol | /sibeliuksen-valintoja | /sibelius-val | /sibelius-alkoholauswahl | page |
245 | Sibelius's debts and assets | en | /sibeliuss-debts-and-assets | /sibeliuksen-varallisuus-ja-velat | /sibelius-tillgangar-och-skulder | /vermoegen-und-schulden | page |
246 | Sibelius's income from teaching, 1891-1902 | en | /sibeliuss-income-from-teaching-1891-1902 | /sibeliuksen-tulot-opetuksesta-1891-1902 | /sibelius-inkomster-fran-undervisning-1891-1902 | /sibelius-einkommen-aus-unterricht | page |
247 | Sibelius's journeys | en | /sibeliuss-journeys | /sibeliuksen-matkat | /sibelius-resor | /sibelius-reisen | page |
248 | Sibelius's new alcoholic drinks in the 1940s | en | /sibeliuss-new-alcoholic-drinks-in-the-1940s | /sibeliuksen-uudet-alkoholit-40-luvulla | /sibelius-nya-alkoholer-pa-40-talet | /sibelius-neue-alkoholika-in-den-1940er-jahren | page |
249 | Sibelius's property and investments | en | /sibeliuss-property-and-investments | /sibeliuksen-omaisuus | /sibelius-formogenhet | /eigentum | page |
250 | Sibelius's punch recipe | en | /sibeliuss-punch-recipe | /sibeliuksen-booliresepti | /sibelius-balrecept | /sibelius-bowle-rezept | page |
251 | Sibelius's ten-year grant and pension, 1898-1957 | en | /sibeliuss-ten-year-grant-and-pension-1898-1957 | /10-vuotis-apuraha-ja-elake-1898-1957 | /10-arsstipendiet-och-pensionen-1898-1957 | /zehn-jahre-stipendium-und-anschliessende-rente-fuer-sibelius-1898-1957 | page |
252 | Sibelius’s contemporaries | en | /sibeliuss-contemporaries | /aikalaissaveltajia | /samtida-kompositorer | /gegenwaertige-komponisten | page |
253 | Skogsrået (The Wood Nymph) | en | /skogsraet-the-wood-nymph | /skogsraet-metsanhaltijatar | /skogsraet | /die-waldnymphe | page |
254 | Solo songs and arrangements for voice and piano | en | /solo-songs-and-arrangements-for-voice-and-piano | /yksinlaulut-ja-sovitukset-lauluaanelle-ja-pianolle | /solosanger-och-arrangemang-for-sangrost-och-piano | /sologesaenge-und-fassungen-fuer-singstimme-und-klavier | page |
255 | Solo songs and duets | en | /solo-songs-and-duets | /yksinlaulut-ja-duetot | /solosanger-och-duetter | /werke-fuer-soloinstrumente-und-klavier-und-auch-ohne-klavier-2 | page |
256 | Songs | en | /songs | /laulut | /sangproduktionen-och-dess-utveckling | /lieder | page |
257 | Sources | en | /sources | /lahdeteokset | /kallor | /quellen | page |
258 | Special subjects | en | /special-subjects | /erikois-aiheet | /specialamnen | /spezialthemen | page |
259 | Sponsors of the project | en | /sponsors-of-the-project | /projektia-tukeneet-tahot | /projektet-har-understotts-av | /sponsoren-des-projekts | page |
260 | Spring Song | en | /spring-song | /kevatlaulu | /varsang | /fruehlingslied | page |
261 | Stimulants | en | /stimulants | /nautinta-aineet | /njutningsmedel | /genussmittel | page |
262 | Student years | en | /student-years | /opiskeluvuodet | /studiearen | /studienjahre | page |
263 | Studies in Berlin 1889-1890 | en | /studies-in-berlin-1889-1890 | /opinnot-berliinissa-1889-1890 | /studierna-i-berlin-1889-1890 | /studien-in-berlin-1889-1890 | page |
264 | Studies in Helsinki 1885-1888 | en | /studies-in-helsinki-1885-1888 | /opinnot-helsingissa-1885-1888 | /studierna-i-helsingfors-1885-1888 | /studien-in-helsinki-1885-1888 | page |
265 | Studies in Vienna 1890-1891 | en | /studies-in-vienna-1890-1891 | /opinnot-wienissa-1890-1891 | /studierna-i-wien-1890-1891 | /studien-in-wien-1890-1891 | page |
266 | Studies, and the composition of Kullervo, 1885–92 | en | /studies-and-the-composition-of-kullervo-1885-92 | /4401 | /studier-och-komponering-av-kullervo-1885-92 | /das-studium-und-das-komponieren-von-kullervo-1885-92 | page |
267 | Stylistic development: main tendencies | en | /stylistic-development-main-tendencies | /tyylillinen-kehitys-muutamia-paalinjoja | /stilistisk-utveckling-nagra-huvudlinjer | /die-stilistische-entwicklung-einige-leitlinien | page |
268 | Suite for Violin and String Orchestra | en | /suite-for-violin-and-string-orchestra | /sarja-viululle-ja-jousiorkesterille | /svit-for-violin-och-strakorkester | /suite-fuer-violine-und-streichorchester-sarja-viululle-ja-jousiorkesterille | page |
269 | Suite mignonne, Suite champêtre, Suite caractéristique | en | /suite-mignonne-suite-champetre-suite-caracteristique | /suite-mignonne-suite-champetre-suite-caracteristique | /suite-mignonne-suite-champetre-suite-caracteristique | /suite-mignonne-suite-champetre-suite-caracteristique | page |
270 | Svanevit (Swanwhite) (Incidental music and orchestral suite) | en | /svanevit-swanwhite-incidental-music-and-orchestral-suite | /joutsikki-svahnevit-nayttamomusiikki-ja-orkesterisarja | /svanevit-scenmusik-och-orkestersvit | /schwanenweiss-svahnevit-joutsikki-buehnenmusik-und-orchestersuite | page |
271 | Swanwhite | en | /swanwhite | /joutsikki | /svanevit | /schwanenweiss | page |
272 | Symphonies 1-7 | en | /symphonies-1-7 | /sinfoniat-1-7 | /symfonier-1-7 | /symphonien-nr-1-7 | page |
273 | Tapiola | en | /tapiola | /tapiola | /tapiola | /tapiola | page |
274 | The "Leskovites" | en | /the-leskovites | /leskoviitit | /leskoviterna | /die-leskoviten | page |
275 | The Ainola Estate | en | /the-ainola-estate | /ainolan-maa-alueet | /ainolas-jordomraden | /die-landgebiete-von-ainola | page |
276 | The Bard | en | /the-bard | /bardi | /barden | /der-barde | page |
277 | The Birth and Growth of the Community | en | /the-birth-and-growth-of-the-community | /yhdyskunnan-synty-ja-kasvu | /kolonins-uppkomst-och-tillvaxt | /die-entstehung-und-das-wachstum-der-gemeinschaft | page |
278 | The books of Ainola | en | /the-books-of-ainola | /ainolan-kirjat | /ainolas-bocker | /buecher-in-ainola | page |
279 | The Borg Family | en | /the-borg-family | /borg-suku | /slakten-borg | /die-familie-borg | page |
280 | The buildings today | en | /the-buildings-today | /rakennukset-tanaan | /byggnader-idag | /die-gebaeude-heute | page |
281 | The Clodt Family | en | /the-clodt-family | /clodt-suku | /clodt-slakten | /die-familie-clodt | page |
282 | The contributors | en | /the-contributors | /tekijat | /forfattare | /die-verfasser | page |
283 | The dining-room at Ainola | en | /the-dining-room-at-ainola | /5582 | /5590 | /der-speisesaal-in-ainola | page |
284 | The drawing room at Ainola | en | /the-drawing-room-at-ainola | /ainolan-sali | /ainolas-sal | /der-saal-in-ainola | page |
285 | The Dryad | en | /the-dryad | /dryadi | /dryaden | /die-dryade | page |
286 | The final study and bedroom | en | /the-final-study-and-bedroom | /viimeinen-tyo-ja-makuuhuone | /det-sista-arbets-och-sovrummet | /das-letzte-arbeits-und-schlafzimmer | page |
287 | The First World War and the Civil War 1914-1918 | en | /the-first-world-war-and-the-civil-war-1914-1918 | /i-maailmansota-ja-kansalaissota-1914-1918 | /forsta-varldskriget-och-medborgarkriget-1914-1918 | /i-weltkrieg-und-buergerkrieg-1914-1918 | page |
288 | The first years in Ainola 1904-1908 | en | /the-first-years-in-ainola-1904-1908 | /ainolan-ensimmaiset-vuodet-1904-1908 | /ainolas-forsta-ar-1904-1908 | /die-ersten-jahre-in-ainola-1904-1908 | page |
289 | The Järnefelt Family | en | /the-jarnefelt-kin | /jarnefelt-suku | /slakten-jarnefelt | /die-familie-jaernefelt | page |
290 | The Kalevala Society | en | /the-kalevala-society | /kalevalaseura | /kalevalasallskapet | /die-kalevala-gesellschaft | page |
291 | The kitchen at Ainola | en | /the-kitchen-at-ainola | /5658 | /ainolas-kok | /die-kueche-in-ainola | page |
292 | The last masterpieces 1920-1927 | en | /the-last-masterpieces-1920-1927 | /viimeiset-mestariteokset-1920-1927 | /de-sista-masterverken-1920-1927 | /die-letzten-meisterwerke-1920-1927 | page |
293 | The last masterpieces, 1920-1930 | en | /the-last-masterpieces-1920-1930 | /viimeiset-mestariteokset-1920-1930 | /de-sista-masterverken-1920-1930 | /die-letzten-meisterwerke-1920-1930 | page |
294 | The last solo song collections | en | /the-last-solo-song-collections | /viimeinen-yksinlaulukausi | /den-sista-solosangperioden | /letzte-liedersammlungen | page |
295 | The library at Ainola | en | /the-library-at-ainola | /ainolan-kirjasto | /ainolas-bibliotek | /die-bibliothek-in-ainola | page |
296 | The Lover | en | /the-lover | /rakastava | /den-alskande | /der-liebende | page |
297 | The Maiden in the Tower | en | /the-maiden-in-the-tower | /neito-tornissa | /jungfrun-i-tornet | /die-jungfrau-im-turm-jungfrun-i-tornet-neito-tornissa-oper-in-einem-akt | page |
298 | The Man | en | /the-man | /ihminen | /levnadslopp | /der-mensch | page |
299 | The Music | en | /the-music | /musiikki | /musiken | /die-musik | page |
300 | The occupants of Ainola | en | /the-occupants-of-ainola | /ainolan-asukkaat | /ainolas-invanare | /hausbewohner-ainolas | page |
301 | The Oceanides | en | /the-oceanides | /aallottaret | /aallottaret-okeaniderna | /die-okeaniden-aallottaret | page |
302 | The renovation of the dwelling house and the construction | en | /the-renovation-of-the-dwelling-house-and-the-construction | /asuinrakennuksen-kunnostus-ja-lisarakentaminen-1911-1935 | /bostadshusets-renovering-och-tillbyggnad-1911-1935 | /die-renovierung-und-erweiterung-des-wohngebaeudes-1911-1935-2 | page |
303 | The second version of the website has been released | en | /the-second-version-of-the-sibelius-fi-website-has-been-released | /sibelius-fi-verkkosivuston-toinen-versio-on-julkaistu | /posta-namn-har | /die-zweite-version-der-sibelius-fi-website-wurde-veroeffentlicht | post |
304 | The Sibelius Family | en | /the-sibelius-family | /Sibeliussuku | /slakten-sibelius | /die-familie-sibelius | page |
305 | The silence of Ainola 1945-1957 | en | /the-silence-of-ainola-1945-1957 | /ainolan-hiljaisuus-1945-1957 | /tystnaden-pa-ainola-1945-1957 | /die-stille-in-ainola-1945-1957 | page |
306 | The singers | en | /the-singers | /laulajista | /om-sangare | /die-saenger | page |
307 | The Symposion Circle | en | /the-symposion-circle | /symposion-piiri | /symposion-kretsen | /der-symposion-kreis | page |
308 | The Symposion years 1892-1897 | en | /the-symposion-years-1892-1897 | /symposion-vuodet-1892-1897 | /symposion-aren-1892-1897 | /die-symposion-jahre-1892-1897 | page |
309 | The Tempest | en | /the-tempest | /musiikki-shakespearen-naytelmaan-myrsky | /musik-till-shakespeares-skadespel-stormen | /musik-zu-shakespeares-schauspiel-der-sturm | page |
310 | The upper floor at Ainola | en | /the-upper-floor-at-ainola | /ainolan-ylakerta | /ainolas-overvaning | /das-obergeschoss-in-ainola | page |
311 | The Waltz of Death and the move to Ainola 1903-1904 | en | /the-waltz-of-death-and-the-move-to-ainola-1903-1904 | /kuolemanvalssi-1903-1904 | /dodsvalsen-1903-1904 | /der-todeswalzer-1903-1904 | page |
312 | The war and the destruction of the eighth symphony 1939-1945 | en | /the-war-and-the-destruction-of-the-eighth-symphony-1939-1945 | /sota-ja-kahdeksannen-sinfonian-tuhoaminen-1939-1945 | /kriget-och-den-attonde-symfonins-forstorande-1939-1945 | /der-krieg-und-die-vernichtung-der-achten-symphonie-1939-1945 | page |
313 | The war and the fifth symphony 1915-1919 | en | /the-war-and-the-fifth-symphony-1915-1919 | /sota-ja-viides-sinfonia-1915-1919 | /kriget-och-femte-symfonin-1915-1919 | /der-krieg-und-die-symphonie-nr-5-1915-1919 | page |
314 | The Watersprite | en | /the-watersprite | /nayttamomusiikkia | /scenmusik | /der-neck-naecken | page |
315 | The wives | en | /the-wives | /aviopuolisot | /makorna | /die-ehefrauen | page |
316 | Tobacco | en | /tobacco | /tupakka | /tobak | /tabak | page |
317 | Towards an international breakthrough 1897-1899 | en | /towards-an-international-breakthrough-1897-1899 | /kohti-kansainvalista-lapimurtoa-1897-1899 | /mot-ett-internationellt-genombrott-1897-1899 | /auf-dem-weg-zum-internationalen-durchbruch | page |
318 | Travels | en | /travels | /matkat | /resor | /reisender | page |
319 | Travels Within Finland 1865 - 1952 | en | /travels-within-finland-1865-1952 | /matkat-kotimaassa | /resor-i-hemlandet | /reisen-innerhalb-finnlands-1865-1952 | page |
320 | Trips Abroad | en | /trips-abroad | /matkat-ulkomaille | /utlandsresor | /auslandsreisen | page |
321 | Tuusulanjärvi Artist Community | en | /tuusulanjarvi-artist-community | /tuusulanjarven-taiteilijayhteiso | /kolonins-uppkomst-och-tillvaxt | /tuusulanjaervi-kuenstlergemeinschaft | page |
322 | Valse lyrique, Autrefois, Valse chevalaresque | en | /valse-lyrique-autrefois-valse-chevalaresque | /valse-lyrique-autrefois-valse-chevalaresque | /valse-lyrique-autrefois-valse-chevalaresque | /valse-lyrique-autrefois-valse-chevalaresque | page |
323 | Violin concerto | en | /violin-concerto | /violin-concerto | /violinkonserten | /violinkonzert | page |
324 | Works for choir and orchestra (or for other instruments) | en | /works-for-choir-and-orchestra-or-for-other-instruments | /teokset-kuorolle-ja-orkesterille-tai-muille-soittimille | /verk-for-kor-och-orkester | /werke-fuer-chor-und-orchester-oder-fuer-andere-instrumente | page |
325 | Works for solo instrument - with and without piano | en | /works-for-solo-instrument-with-and-without-piano | /teokset-soolosoittimelle-ja-pianolle-seka-myos-ilman-pianoa-seka-ilman-pianoa | /verk-for-soloinstrument-och-piano-samt-aven-utan-piano-2 | /werke-fuer-soloinstrumente-und-klavier-und-auch-ohne-klavier-3 | page |
326 | Works for solo instrument and orchestra | en | /two-serenades-for-violin-and-orchestra-opus-69 | /kaksi-serenadia-viululle-ja-orkesterille-opus-69 | /tva-serenader-for-violin-och-orkester-opus-69 | /zwei-serenaden-fuer-violine-und-orchester-op-69 | page |
327 | Works for solo instruments and orchestra | en | /works-for-solo-instrument-and-orchestra | /teoksia-soolosoittimelle-ja-orkesterille | /verk-for-soloinstrument-och-orkester | /werke-fuer-soloinstrumente-und-orchester | page |
328 | Works for solo violin and orchestra | en | /works-for-solo-violin-and-orchestra | /teokset-sooloviululle-ja-orkesterille | /verk-for-soloviolin-och-orkester | /werke-nach-der-art-der-komposition | page |
329 | Works for solo voice and orchestra | en | /works-for-solo-voice-and-orchestra | /teokset-soolosoittimelle-ja-pianolle-seka-myos-ilman-pianoa | /verk-for-soloinstrument-och-piano-samt-aven-utan-piano | /werke-fuer-soloinstrumente-und-klavier-und-auch-ohne-klavier | page |
330 | Works for wind ensemble | en | /works-for-wind-ensemble | /teokset-puhallinyhtyeelle | /verk-for-blasensemble | /werke-fuer-hornseptette | page |
331 | Works in chronological order | en | /works-in-chronological-order | /teokset-kronologisesti | /verken-kronologiskt | /sibelius-werke-in-chronologischer-reihenfolge | page |
332 | Writing the eighth symphony 1928-1933 | en | /writing-the-eighth-symphony-1928-1933 | /kahdeksannen-sinfonian-saveltamista-1928-1933 | /arbetet-med-den-attonde-symfonin-1928-1933 | /die-achte-symphonie-1928-1933 | page |
333 | Years of stylistic transition | en | /years-of-stylistic-transition | /tyylinmurroksen-vuodet | /stilbrytningens-ar | /jahre-des-stilistischen-umbruchs | page |