Philosophizing, self-examination

Philosophizing, self-examination

“There is something demonic in my nature, which I sometimes feel very clearly, but at the same time something childish that balances it out.”
Santeri Levas 1960b

“I will surely have my own place. Composers have their times of rise and fall. There will certainly be times when my works fade into the background, but I dare to hope that they will not be completely forgotten. In a work of art, there is a spark of life that can never fully die out.”
Santeri Levas 1960b

“Kant reached the extreme limits of human thought. But what did he actually know? Not a thing.”
Santeri Levas 1960b

“The most essential thing in us is the striving towards God. The very fact that man believes and has always believed in God proves to me that a higher being guides all that exists – what kind and in what form, of course, we cannot grasp.”
Santeri Levas 1960b

“Everything that was green in it, the color of hope – I possess! Likewise, I take all the red with force. Then there is blue, the color of faith – Yes –.”
JS: Aino Sibelius. March 31, 1899

“There can be no grander thought connection than Jesus and the sun, two of the world’s greatest ideas together.”
Jalmari Finnen quoted in JF: Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä July 17, 1905