Relatives alphabetically

Relatives alphabetically

Relatives of Jean and Aino Sibelius alphabetically.

Blomstedt Anssi, b. 1945: Heidi Blomstedt’s son; film director.

Blomstedt Aulis 1906-1979: JS’s son-in-law, Heidi Blomstedt’s husband; architect, professor.

Blomstedt Heidi (née Sibelius) 1911-1982: JS’s daughter; ceramist.

Blomstedt Juhana, b. 1937: Heidi Blomstedt’s son; painter, professor.

Blomstedt Petri 1941-1998: Heidi Blomstedt’s son; architect. Designed the restoration of Hotel Kämp in the 1990s.

Blomstedt Severi, b. 1946: Heidi Blomstedt’s son; architect. Director of the Museum of Finnish Architecture 2002-. Designed the renovation of Ainola in the 1980s. Completed his brother Petri’s plan for the restoration of Hotel Kämp.

Borg Gabriel 1797-1855: JS’s maternal grandfather; b. 23rd October 1797, Vihanti, died 13th December 1855, Pyhäjoki. Master of Arts 1823. Class teacher and teacher of Russian at Oulu Lower School 1824-. Headmaster at Hämeenlinna Lower School 1828-38. Headmaster at Turku Lower School 1838-44. Holy Orders 1844. Parson of Uusi Kaarlepyy 1845-50. Parson of Pyhäjoki 1850-55. First wife Johanna Ulrika Hedberg, 1804-35 (m. Turku, 12th February 1830). Second wife Katarina Juliana Haartman, b. 20th November 1812, Sääksmäki, d. 4th December 1892, Hämeenlinna (m. at Terinen Manor in Sääksmäki, 9th August 1838).

Borg Katarina Juliana (née Haartman) 1812-1892: JS’s maternal grandmother; member of the Haartman family of Terinen Manor in Sääksmäki

Clodt (von Jürgensburg) Catharina (née Vigne) ?-1865: AS’s maternal grandmother; daughter of a French officer.

Clodt (von Jürgensburg) Konstantin 1807-1879: AS’s maternal grandfather; baron, b. St Petersburg, 18th June 1807. Major General in Russian artillery. Retired from military service in 1835. Later worked as an engraver and xylographer. Died St Petersburg, 3rd November 1879. First wife Catharina Vigné. Second wife Johanna Ossipov, b. St Petersburg 1842 (m. November 1871).

Enckell Laura b. 1919: Ruth Snellman’s daughter.

Ilves Eero 1887-1953: JS’s son-in-law, Katarina Ilves’s husband; bank manager.

Ilves Jan b. 1927: Katarina Ilves’s son; B.Sc. (Econ.), pianist.

Ilves Katarina (née Sibelius) 1903-1984: JS’s daughter.

Ilves Merike b. 1925: Katarina Ilves’s daughter; TV journalist.

Jalas Jussi 1908-1985 (Blomstedt until 1944 ): JS’s son-in-law, Margareta Jalas’s husband. Conductor at the Finnish National Theatre 1930-45. Director of the Helsinki Theatre Orchestra 1934-1956. Conductor at the Finnish Opera (Finnish National Opera) 1945-1958. Chief Conductor of Finnish National Opera 1958-1973. Teacher of the class in conducting at the Sibelius Academy 1945-1965.

Jalas Margareta (née Sibelius) 1908-1988: JS’s daughter; Master of Arts.

Jalas Risto 1929-1956: Margareta Jalas’s son; Master of Laws.

Jalas Tapio: 1941-1993: Margareta Jalas’s son; flautist, lecturer.

Järnefelt Armas 1869-1958: AS’s brother; composer, conductor. Studied at the Helsinki Music Institute in 1887-1890 under the guidance of Martin Wegelius and Ferruccio Busoni. Albert Becker’s pupil in Berlin 1890-1893. Jules Massenet’s pupil at the Paris Conservatoire 1893-1894. Conductor of the Orchestra of the Music Lovers of Vyborg 1898-1903. Opera performances at the Finnish National Theatre 1904-07. Director of Helsinki Music Institute 1906-1907. Conductor at the Stockholm Royal Theatre (Opera) 1905-1906 and 1907-1932. Court Conductor from 1911 and first Court Conductor from 1923. Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Finnish Opera 1932-36 and conductor of Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra 1942-1943. Major works include Korsholma, the cantata Isänmaan kasvot and the popular miniatures Berceuse and Prelude.

Järnefelt Arvid 1861-1932: AS’s brother; writer, journalist, farmer and Tolstoyan lay preacher. Major works include Isänmaa and Vanhempieni romaani. He asked Sibelius to write music for his play, Death; Valse triste was part of the incidental music.

Järnefelt August Alexander 1833-1896: AS’s father; Lieutenant-General, Governor, Chairman of the Consultative Committee on Defence; ardent champion of the Finnish language; b. Tohmajärvi, 2nd April 1833. Attended the upper elementary school of Savonlinna and graduated from the Finnish Cadet College. On 25th August 1853 he was ordered to attend Michailovsky Artillery School in St Petersburg, then to the Russian Artillery Academy at the end of the same year. After completing the course for commissioned officers, he was transferred to the staff of the Inspector of Artillery on 23rd June 1855. On 6th September 1856 he was sent to Nicholayevsky Academy, and at the end of the year he was transferred to the geodetic division of the Academy. At the same time he worked at the astronomical observatory of Pulchova. He was promoted to second captain, and on 25 April 1860 sent to a topographical division which did astronomical work in Finland.

During the following decade he was in charge of various topographical surveys in Finland as far north as in Lapland. From time to time he also worked as an assistant at the Pulchova observatory. He also lectured on geodesy and astronomy at the general staff. He was promoted to colonel in 1868. On 1st April 1870 he was appointed chief of the Finnish Division of the Russian Topographic Corps .

He participated in the war between Russia and Turkey in 1877-78 and was in charge of the mapping of conquered territory. He was promoted to major-general on 29th April 1878, when he entered the service of the National Survey Board in St Petersburg. He returned to Finland in 1881 and was in charge of the survey for another couple of years.

On 27th October 1883 he was appointed Governor of the County of St Michael, but very soon, on 24th January 1884, became Governor of the County of Kuopio. On 11th September 1888 he was promoted to lieutenant-general, and on 8th November 1888 he was transferred to the governorship of Vaasa. While holding this position he was appointed to the Senate of Finland in the summer of 1894. He was chairman of the Consultative Committee on Defence until his death. He died of a stroke in Helsinki on 15th April 1896.

Järnefelt Aurora Fredrika (née Molander) 1800-1868: AS’s paternal grandmother.

Järnefelt Eero: see Järnefelt Erik. (Note: There was another Eero Järnefelt, Arvid Järnefelt’s son, lived 1888-1970. Ambassador.)

Järnefelt Elisabet(h) (née Clodt von Jürgensburg) 1839-1929: AS’s mother; an influential Tolstoyan cultural figure. In the 1880s her salon was frequented by Juhani Aho and by JS, in addition to her own sons, who were artists.

Järnefelt Ellida (Liida) 1865-1885: AS’s sister.

Järnefelt Ellen (Elli) 1867-1901: AS’s sister; teacher. Committed suicide.

Järnefelt Emma (née Ahonen) 1866-1905: Kasper Järnefelt’s wife.

Järnefelt Emmy (née Parviainen) 1865-1937: Arvid Järnefelt’s wife.

Järnefelt Erik (Eero) 1863-1937: AS’s brother; painter, professor. Lived with his family in Suviranta, near Ainola.

Järnefelt Gustav Adolf 1791-1838: AS’s paternal grandfather; b. Rantasalmi 20th July 1791. A volunteer in the light infantry regiment of Savo in 1804. Participated in the war between Sweden and Russia 1808-09. Secondary school graduate in Turku, 15th May 1816. Bailiff of the lower jurisdictional district of Karelia, 11th April 1820. Died in Tohmajärvi, 17th May 1838.

Järnefelt Hilja 1873-1879: AS’s sister; died of consumption.

Järnefelt Kasper 1859-1941: AS’s brother; high school teacher, translator at the Provincial Administrative Board.

Järnefelt Olivia (née Edström) 1876-1971: Armas Järnefelt’s second wife; singer.

Järnefelt Saimi (née Swan) 1867-1944: Erik (Eero) Järnefelt’s wife.

Järnefelt Sigrid Kaarina 1875-1876: AS’s sister.

Järnefelt-Palmgren Maikki (née Pakarinen) 1871-1929: Armas Järnefelt’s first wife. Her second husband was the composer Selim Palmgren. She was an internationally successful singer with contracts with the Breslau Opera, the Kroll Opera in Berlin, the Dusseldorf Opera, the Royal Opera of Turin and the Rimini Opera. She gave guest performances in Stockholm, Vienna and the Wagner festival in Bayreuth. She was also a teacher. Her published works include “A Guide to the Art of Singing”.

Kirves Marjatta (née Paloheimo) b. 1915: Eva Paloheimo’s daughter.

Paloheimo Arvi 1888-1940: JS’s son-in-law, Eva’s husband; Master of Laws, businessman.

Paloheimo Eva (née Sibelius) 1893-1978: JS’s daughter; she took charge of the family’s affairs after JS’s death.

Paloheimo Janne 1922-1989: Eva Paloheimo’s son; B.Sc. (Econ.), adviser on real estate.

Paloheimo Martti 1917-1987: Eva Paloheimo’s son; Master of Laws, bank manager.

Porra Aino (née Jalas) b. 1946: Margareta Jalas’s daughter; orchestral musician.

Risito Satu (née Jalas) b. 1943: Margareta Jalas’s daughter; violinist.

Sibelius Christian Gustaf 1821-1868: JS’s father; b. Loviisa 10th December 1821; physician. Secondary school graduate from Porvoo Gymnasium 21st June 1841. Master of Arts 22nd June 1847. Bachelor of Medicine 15th December 1851, Licentiate of Medicine 10th May 1856, Doctor of Medical Science 31st May 1860. Assistant physician on the battleship “Finland”, 13th May 1853 – 16th March 1854. Physician at the military hospital of St Michael 1854. Ordinator at the General Hospital of Helsinki 25th March 1855, extraordinary physician at the same hospital 14th July 1855. Senior physician of the sharpshooter training battalion 9th July 1856, physician of the Sharpshooter Battalion of Turku, 25th October 1856 – 4th June 1857. Municipal Officer of Health for the city of Turku 1856, Municipal Officer of health for Tampere, 31st August 1858 – 1st April 1859. Physician at the Hämeenlinna school of sharpshooters, 3rd June 1859, Chief physician of the Hämeenlinna school of sharpshooters 1st January 1861. Municipal Officer of Health for Hämeenlinna from 1st January 1861. Died of typhoid fever at the age of 47.

Sibelius Christian 1869-1922: JS’s brother; Medical Superintendent of Lapinlahti Hospital; professor.

Sibelius Evelina 1832-1893: JS’s aunt. Lived in Loviisa; during 1885-1889 also in Helsinki with JS’s mother, brother and sister.

Sibelius Harry Christian 1910-1951: JS’s nephew (brother’s son).

Sibelius Johan 1785-1844: JS’s paternal grandfather. Merchant and magistrate, b. 16th November 1785, Lapinjärvi. Civic rights as a merchant 1812. Councillor 1815. Magistrate 1823. Died aged 59, Loviisa, 20th December 1844.

Sibelius Johannes (Jussi) Gustaf Christian 1904-1940: JS’s nephew (brother’s son).

Sibelius Kaino Ihannelma (Nelma) (née Swan) 1878-1970: JS’s brother’s wife.

Sibelius Katarina Fredrika (née Åkerberg) 1792-1879: JS’s paternal grandmother.

Sibelius Linda 1863-1932 JS’s sister; teacher. She was treated for mental problems during the last decades of her life.

Sibelius Maria Charlotta (née Borg) 1841-1897: JS’s mother.

Sibelius Rita (Riitta) Elisabeth (Wangel) b. 1907: JS’s niece (brother’s daughter); physician.

Snellman Jussi 1879-1969: JS’s son-in-law, Ruth Snellman’s husband; actor at the Finnish National Theatre.

Snellman Ruth (née Sibelius) 1894-1976: JS’s daughter; actress at the Finnish National Theatre.

Virkkunen Erkki b. 1917: Ruth Snellman’s son; Master of Laws, bank manager.