Trips Abroad

Trips Abroad

Trips Abroad 1889 – 1931

Chronological list of foreign trips.
For more details on the purposes of trips, see the Life Story section. For composition work, also see the Music section.

1. September 1889-June 1890

Study trip to Berlin

Route Helsinki (ship) – Tallinn – Lübeck (train) – Berlin. Return Berlin (train) – Lübeck (ship) – Stockholm – Helsinki. Visit to Leipzig in December.

Initially Marienstrasse 4, from the second week of October Magdeburgerstrasse 31. Move at the beginning of February, new address Kurfurstenstrasse 40, landlord Herr Bernhardt.

During the trip, Sibelius studied composition under Alfred Becker with the help of a grant.

2. October 1890-June 1891

Study trip to Vienna

Route Hanko (ship) – Lübeck (train) – Wittenberg – Berlin – Prague – Vienna.
Return Vienna (train) – Prague – Berlin – Lübeck (ship) – Hanko – Tallinn – Helsinki

Waaggasse no. 1 II St.1.14 Vienna

During the trip, Sibelius continued his composition studies under Karl Goldmark and Robert Fuchs.

3. July-September 1894

Trip to the Bayreuth Wagner Festival

Route Helsinki (ship) – Lübeck (train) – Hamburg – Cologne (river boat) – Mainz (train) – Nuremberg – Bayreuth – Nuremberg – Munich – Nuremberg – Bayreuth – Nuremberg – Munich – Innsbruck – Verona – Venice – Verona – Innsbruck – Munich – Nuremberg – Leipzig – Berlin – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki.

Hotel St. Petersburg Hamburg
Hotel Reichsadler Bayreuth
Schwabinger Landstrasse 34 II Munich, landlord Herr Schreiber
Hotel Roth Munich
Hotel Alle Barche Venice
Winterfeldet 18 b Berlin, landlord Herr Fischer.

The purpose of the trip was to get more closely acquainted with Wagner’s music, but Sibelius actually became estranged from his Wagner admiration.

4. May-June 1896

Aino’s first trip abroad to Berlin

No documents have survived from the Sibelius couple’s first joint trip abroad. Apparently, the route followed familiar routines. The trip lasted a few weeks.

5. June-July 1897

Tourist trip to Italy in the company of Walter v. Konow

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stettin (train) – Berlin – Dresden – Prague – Vienna – Graz – Trieste – Venice (ship) – Ancona (train) – Foligno – Assisi – Perugia – Florence – Bologna – Innsbruck – Munich – Nuremberg – Leipzig – Berlin – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki.

Hotel Du Lion Assisi

6. February-May 1898

Aino’s interrupted trip to Berlin

Route Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Pskov – Dünaburg – Kovno – Insterburg – Allenstein – Thorn – Posen – Berlin.

Aino Sibelius returned to her home country at the beginning of April due to pregnancy-related nausea. Brother Armas accompanied his sister on the above route to Helsinki. Sibelius’s visit to Leipzig. Return probably by ship from Stettin.

Potsdamerstrasse 106 B II Berlin,
landlady Frau Dierk.

During his long trip, Sibelius established a relationship with the publisher Breitkopf & Härtel, prepared his first symphony, took riding lessons and celebrated with his friends.

7. July-August 1900

With Kajanus’s orchestra

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Kristiania (Oslo) – Gothenburg – Helsingborg (train/ferry)(!) – Helsingör – Copenhagen (train/ferry) – Lübeck – Hamburg – Berlin – Amsterdam – The Hague – Rotterdam – Brussels – Paris – Reims – Trier – Cologne – Lübeck (ship) – Hanko.

Hotel Rydberg Stockholm
Hotel Bristol Kristiania (Oslo)
Hotel Kongen af Danmark Copenhagen
Roeckstrasse 6 Lübeck (Adolf Paul)
Hotel F. C. Stein Hamburg
Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Berlin
Hotel Mille Colonnes Amsterdam
Hotel de l’Esperance Brussels
Hotel de Bretagne Paris

During the trip, Sibelius presented himself to the international music audience by bowing after Kajanus’s performances of his works. The performances of the First Symphony marked a breakthrough in international critic circles.

8. October 1900-May 1901

Family trip to Germany and Italy

Route Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Pskov – Dünaburg – Kovno – Insterburg – Allenstein – Thorn – Posen – Berlin. Sibelius made a stopover in Leipzig.

Pension Berlinerstrasse 46 III Berlin
Pension Kurfurstenstrasse 75 III Berlin (December-January)

Route Berlin (train) – Nuremberg – Stuttgart – Basel – Lucerne – Milan – Genoa – Rapallo. Sibelius made a stopover in Rome via Florence.

Pension Suisse Rapallo

Route Rapallo – Florence – Bologna – Trieste – Graz – Vienna – Prague – Berlin – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki.

With funding arranged by Axel Carpelan, Sibelius was intended to get “Mediterranean lightness” in his expression. During his trip of over half a year, Sibelius sketched several works, including his second symphony.

9. May-June 1901

First German concert in Heidelberg

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stettin (train) – Berlin – Leipzig – Erfurt – Würzburg – Heidelberg – Karlsruhe – Würzburg – Erfurt – Leipzig – Berlin – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki

Hotel Prinz Carl Heidelberg

During the trip, Sibelius conducted his music at the Heidelberg Music Festival. The program included The Swan of Tuonela and Lemminkäinen’s Return. Sibelius’s position in German music circles strengthened.

10. June 1902

Awakening trip to Berlin

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stettin (train) – Berlin (train) – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki

Marienstrasse 31 b Berlin (at brother Christian’s), landlord Herr Radtke

During the trip, Sibelius met his brother Christian, sister Linda, Adolf Paul, and other friends.

11. November 1902

First concert in Berlin

Route Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Pskov – Dünaburg – Kovno – Insterburg – Allenstein – Thorn – Posen – Berlin. Return probably the same route.

Grand Hotel Bellevue Berlin

The reason for the trip was a concert by the Berlin Philharmonic, where Sibelius conducted the revised version of En Saga at the invitation of his friend Ferruccio Busoni.

12. May 1903

First concerts in Estonia

Route Helsinki (ship) – Tallinn (ship) – Helsinki

Kadriorg Spa Tallinn

During the trip, Sibelius conducted, among others, his first symphony at the invitation of Georg Schnéevoigt.

13. June 1904

Last concerts in Estonia

Route Helsinki (ship) – Tallinn (ship) – Helsinki

Kadriorg Spa Tallinn

Sibelius conducted, among others, his second symphony at the invitation of Georg Schnéevoigt.

14. August 1904

Tour to Latvia

Route Helsinki (ship) – Tallinn (train) – Riga – Liepaja – Riga – Pskov – St. Petersburg – Vyborg – Helsinki

Jakubetz Spa Liepaja
Dubbeln Spa Riga

Sibelius conducted, among others, the second symphony, En Saga, and Finlandia under the alias Impromptu.

15. January-March 1905

Concert, composition, and business trip to Berlin

Route Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Pskov – Dünaburg – Kovno – Insterburg – Allenstein – Thorn – Posen – Berlin. Return probably the same route.

Hotel Windsor Berlin
Berlinerstrasse 87 B Berlin (January-March), landlord Herr Spechman

Sibelius appeared for the last time in front of an orchestra in Germany, conducting his second symphony at Busoni’s invitation, listened to and studied new works by Debussy, Mahler, and Strauss, took English lessons, and signed a publishing contract with Robert Lienau.

16. November 1905-January 1906

First concert in England and a visit to Paris

Route Helsinki (ship) – Copenhagen
(train ferry) – Lübeck – Berlin – Hanover – Osnabrück – Antwerp – Ostend (ferry) – Dover – London – Birmingham – London.

Hotel Stadt Riga Berlin
Hotel Langham London

Route London – Dover (ferry) – Ostend (train) – Brussels – Paris.

Hotel de Bretagne Paris
Avenue Marquerite 6 Le Vesinet Paris, (at Olle Nykopp’s, 2 days in evacuation)
Hotel Pavillon Henri IV St. Germain Paris (December-January)

Route Paris (train) – Reims – Cologne – Hanover – Berlin. Stopover in Leipzig.

Hotel Stadt Riga Berlin

Return route via Stockholm. Otherwise unknown.

On his long trip, Sibelius gave a concert in Liverpool, conducting the first symphony and Finlandia. In Paris, he composed Pohjola’s Daughter, then still under the working title Luonnotar.

17. December 1906

First Russian concert in St. Petersburg

Route Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Vyborg – Helsinki

Hotel d’Angleterre St. Petersburg

Sibelius conducted the premiere of Pohjola’s Daughter. In a concert by the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra in St. Petersburg.

18. August 1907

Composition trip to Berlin with Aino

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Helsingborg (ferry) – Helsingör (train) – Copenhagen (train ferry) – Lübeck – Berlin – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki.

Joachimsthalerstrasse 5 Berlin, landlady Frau Schleiffer

Sibelius composed the third symphony. Aino took English lessons and visited museums, theaters, and concerts with her spouse.

19. November 1907

Second Russian concert in St. Petersburg

Route: Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Vyborg –

Hotel d’Angleterre St. Petersburg

Sibelius conducted the third symphony at the invitation of Alexander Siloti.

20. November 1907

Only trip to Moscow

Route: Helsinki (train) – Vyborg – St. Petersburg – Moscow – St. Petersburg – Vyborg – Helsinki.

Hotel du Bazar Slave Moscow

Sibelius conducted, among others, his third symphony and Pohjola’s Daughter.

21. February-March 1908 Second trip to England

Route Helsinki (?) – Berlin (train) – Osnabrück – Antwerp – Ostend (ferry) – Dover (train) – London – Dover (ferry) – Ostend (train) – Antwerp – Osnabrück – Berlin – Stralsund – Sassnitz (ferry) – Trelleborg (train) – Malmö – Stockholm (ship) – Turku.

Hotel Prinz Friedrich Carl Berlin
Hotel d’Allemagne Ostend
Langham Hotel London

Sibelius conducted his third symphony in a concert of the Royal Philharmonic Society.

22. May-June 1908

Throat surgery in Berlin

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stettin (train) – Berlin – Lübeck – Travemünde (ship) – Trelleborg? (train) – Malmö – Stockholm (ship) – Helsinki.

Pension Joseph Haydn Strasse 1 Berlin
Hotel Wiesbadener Hof Berlin

Sibelius had a tumor removed in surgery. Seven years of sobriety began.

23. February-May 1909

Composition trip London – Paris – Berlin

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Helsingborg (ferry) – Helsingör (train) – Copenhagen (train) – Könsör (ship) – Kiel – Hamburg – Bremen – Osnabrück – Vlissingen (ship) – Harwich (train) – London – Cheltenham – London.

Langham Hotel London
Gloucester Walk 15 Kensington London, landlady Mrs Dodd
Gordon Place 15 Campden Hill London (pension)

Route London (train) – Dover (ferry) – Calais (train) – Paris

Hotel du Voltaire Paris

Route Paris (train) – Reims – Cologne – Hanover – Berlin.

Hotel Wiesbadener Hof Berlin
Kurfursten Strasse 36 II Berlin, landlady Frau Langer

Return route Berlin (train) – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki

Sibelius composed the Voces intimae string quartet and conducted En Saga and Finlandia in London, and Valse triste and Spring Song in Cheltenham. He met Debussy in London and visited a Sibelius evening at the Music Club. After negotiations, he decided to return to collaboration with the publisher Breitkopf & Härtel. In Berlin, he had a post-surgery medical check-up and composed, among others, the string quartet and songs of opus 57.

24. September-October 1910

Via Kristiania (Oslo) concert to Berlin to compose

Route Helsinki (train) – Turku (ship) – Stockholm
(train) – Kristiania (Oslo)

Grand Hotel Kristiania (Oslo)

Route Kristiania (Oslo) (train) – Gothenburg – Malmö – Trelleborg (ferry) – Sassnitz (train) – Stralsund – Berlin.

Meineke Strasse 6 Berlin, landlord Herr Voigt [!]
Hotel Wiesbadener Hof Berlin

Return route Berlin (train) – Stettin (ship) – Helsinki

Sibelius conducted, among others, the premieres of Dryad and In Memoriam in present-day Oslo. In Berlin, he renewed The Origin of Fire and composed his fourth symphony.

25. February 1911

Concert trip to Gothenburg and Riga

Route Helsinki (train) – Turku (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Gothenburg.

Hotel Palace Gothenburg

Route Gothenburg – Malmö – Trelleborg (ferry) – Sassnitz (train) – Stralsund – Berlin – Posen – Allenstein – Insterburg – Kaunas – Jelgava(Mitau) – Riga.

Hotel de Rome Riga

Return route Riga (train) – Pskov – St. Petersburg – Vyborg – Helsinki.

Sibelius’s first Swedish concerts included, among others, the third symphony, The Swan of Tuonela and Lemminkäinen’s Return, En Saga, and Nightride and Sunrise. He conducted the Latvian concerts (three in Riga, one in Mitau) at the invitation of Georg Schnéevoigt.

26. October-December 1911

Composition trip to Paris

Route Helsinki (ship) – Stettin (train) – Berlin.

Hotel Der Königshof Berlin

Route Berlin (train) – Hanover – Cologne – Reims – Paris.

Grande Hotel de Malte Paris
Hotel du Danube Paris
Hotel de la Grande Bretagne Paris

Return route Paris (train) – Reims – Cologne – Hanover – Berlin – (continuation unknown).

Sibelius left for Berlin but unexpectedly continued to Paris, where he reworked new versions of the Har du mod composition and listened to, among others, Strauss’s Salome opera.

Here is the English translation of the remaining content:

27. September-October 1912
Concert trip to England
Route Helsinki (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Helsingborg (ferry) – Helsingör (train) – Copenhagen (train) – Könsör(ship) – Kiel (train) – Hamburg – Osnabrück – Ostend (ferry) – Dover (train) – London – Birmingham – Stratford-on-Avon – London. Return probably the same route.
Accommodation: Hotel Richelieu London, Shakespeare Hotel Stratford-on-Avon
Sibelius conducted his fourth symphony at the Birmingham music festival at the invitation of Granville Bantock.

28. November-December 1912
Concert trip to Copenhagen
Route Helsinki (train) – Turku (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Helsingborg (ferry) – Helsingör (train) – Copenhagen. Return the same route.
Accommodation: Hotel d’Angleterre Copenhagen
In Copenhagen, Sibelius conducted the fourth symphony, Nightride and Sunrise, and Historical Scenes II.

29. January-February 1914
Composition trip to Berlin
Route Helsinki (train) – Turku (ship) – Stockholm(train) – Helsingborg (ferry) – Helsingör (train) – Copenhagen (train) – Gedser (ferry) – Rostock (train) – Berlin.
Accommodation: Hotel Wiesbadenerhof Berlin
Return by train via the familiar route through St. Petersburg.
Sibelius listened to new music almost every evening and applauded enthusiastically for, among others, Schönberg’s chamber symphony. He composed, among others, Scaramouche scenes for piano and the song “Vi ses igen”.

30. May-July 1914
Trip to the United States
Route Helsinki (train) – Turku (ship) – Stockholm (train) – Malmö (ferry) – Copenhagen (train ferry) – Kiel (train) – Hamburg – Bremen – Bremerhaven (s.s. Kaiser Wilhelm II) – Southampton – Cherbourg – New York.
New York (train) – Norfolk – Boston – Norfolk (car) – Syracuse – Rochester – Buffalo – Niagara Falls – New York (train) – New Haven (Yale) – New York.
Accommodation: Hotel Essex New York, White House Norfolk, Hotel Touraine Boston
Return route New York (s.s. President Grant) – Plymouth – Cherbourg – Hamburg (train) – Kiel (train ferry) – Copenhagen (ferry) – Malmö (train) – Stockholm (ship) – Turku (train) – Helsinki.
Sibelius conducted an extensive review of his music.