Other buildings at Ainola

Other buildings at Ainola

The shed 1904

The shed with its outside toilet was erected at the same time as the main building. Ainola was wood-heated up until the 1960s. The shingle roof of the shed was covered over with tiles in 1932 at the same time as the main building.

Sauna 1905

The red-ochred sauna with its shingle roof was erected according to the instructions of Aino Sibelius at the southernmost point of the grounds, in the late summer of 1905. The sauna had a dressing room and a laundry room. Water came from a well next to the sauna and flowed along an inclined channel designed by Aino herself. Rikhard Laine built the sauna with the help of seven carpenters, one bricklayer and the neighbour’s horse. The Sibeliuses could bathe in their sauna at the end of October. The total costs of the construction equalled the “remuneration for one major work” as set out in Sibelius’s publishing contract, i.e. almost 9000 euros. The sauna was renovated in the mid-1920s under the supervision of the builder Aarne Männikkö. The tile roof was built in 1932.